How South America is revolutionizing the software industry

When we think about software and technology improvements, we all tend to think that they always come from areas like Silicon Valley. But during the last decades, universities and companies in South America have really stepped up their game, becoming worldwide referents in software development.
The South American software industry
The tech industry is always looking for new ways to transform itself. Big companies look outside their home countries for human talent in order to reduce the companies expenses, increasing their profit margin. This has brought a revolution to the South American technology sector, opening new opportunities for economic and human development in these countries.
Companies like Innuy – Software Development are a good example of that. This South American company is a leader in Python Web Development, working with clients from all over the world. Companies like Innuy use the latest technologies to deliver final products of the highest quality that end up being used worldwide.
Foreign investment in South American companies is slowly making these companies bigger and bigger, making them able to compete with other traditional renown companies.
Successful South American software projects
The help of South American companies has been crucial for the successful completion of many complex software projects. Some amazing projects we are now able to enjoy thanks to South American software companies include:
Albert was the first artificial intelligence marketing platform, a concept that had never been done before. This software creates fully-automated online marketing campaigns, saving companies from doing tons of manual tasks. Albert receives massive amounts of data, converts it into insights, then acts according to these insights on all devices and channels, updating everything in real-time.
As an artificial intelligent software, Albert is always learning, maintaining a constant level of optimization and analysis of marketing campaigns. It brings a lot of answers about the market into the companies tables, allowing them to focus their time in higher-value problem-solving tasks.
Albert is a software that is now being used by well-known global brands, saving them lots of money and time in their business.
Kolinx is an app that has revolutionized the way kids perceive their finances. Kolinx was created to allow kids to learn how to manage their money carefully yet independently.
Kolinx is the easier way to manage savings accounts, checking accounts and credit cards. Kids can also use Kolinx for their purchases in local stores and online.
Kolinx App was developed in less than a year, and now, thanks to its very simple and user-friendly interface, it is already being used by US kids looking for a way to save money and learn how to carefully spend it.
Counter Tools
Counter Tools is a non-profit organization working with US state and local agencies whose main goal is to give every citizen the possibility of living a healthy life in an equitable place.
Counter Tools promotes public health in the retail environment by providing these communities with training and technical assistance.
In order to achieve these goals, Counter Tools has collaborated with South American companies to create software that update their database and helped them understand their retail environment, allowing them to create more successful policy changes and education efforts.
Verified Planet
This is a medical device startup that provides their users with full lab security and high management solutions based on provisional patents inventions.
The software used by this company is designed to secure lab samples and sensitive materials, like blood samples or viruses, from the moment they are collected and tagged, to the moment they are returned to the patient.
The software Verified Planet uses prevents human error, saving money and countless human lives in the process.
These are only a few examples where the help of South American companies was key to the project final success. So if you are interested in software development, better keep an eye out for the South American market.